
pigeon body Learn more about pigeon body

  • Nutritional value of pigeons

    Nutritional value of pigeons

    Nutritional value of pigeons

  • Identification skills of excellent racing pigeons

    Identification skills of excellent racing pigeons

    Select good racing pigeons, just like picking athletes. There are two major categories of carrier pigeon competitions in the world: one is the "evaluation race", and the other is the speed race, which is divided into short-and medium-distance, long-distance and ultra-long-distance races. A good carrier pigeon must be of the right size. Balance and coordination are the most important conditions for a good racing pigeon to show by its appearance, while length and weight are closely related to whole body balance and coordination. In the team of champion pigeons, there may be racing pigeons that are too big or too small, but most champion pigeons are of medium size.

  • How to supplement vitamins for breeding homing pigeons

    How to supplement vitamins for breeding homing pigeons

    Vitamins are necessary nutrients for homing pigeons to maintain their life and normal physiological function. the lack of any kind of vitamins will cause some metabolic disorders and disorders and affect the growth and health of homing pigeons. Breeding pigeons and young pigeons have stricter requirements for vitamins, but homing pigeons don't like home.

    2020-11-08 Breeding homing pigeon how supplement vitamin yes
  • Selection and purchase method of meat breeding pigeon

    Selection and purchase method of meat breeding pigeon

    Selection and purchase method of meat breeding pigeon

  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases of pigeon Newcastle disease pigeon pox pigeon ascaris disease

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of pigeon Newcastle disease pigeon pox pigeon ascaris disease

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of pigeon Newcastle disease pigeon pox pigeon ascaris disease

  • The difference between straw pigeons and squab.

    The difference between straw pigeons and squab.

    Pigeon is a food with high nutritional value and is often used to nourish the body. The main kinds of pigeons often eaten are grass pigeons and squab, so what are the differences between grass pigeons and squab? 1. The difference in appearance between squab and grass pigeon the growth rate of squab is very fast, meat

    2020-11-11 Grass pigeon squab difference pigeon yes nutrition value very
  • Feeding Stages and Stages Characteristics of Meat Pigeon

    Feeding Stages and Stages Characteristics of Meat Pigeon

    Feeding Stages and Stages Characteristics of Meat Pigeon

  • Method for distinguishing pigeon diseases in breeding pigeon production

    Method for distinguishing pigeon diseases in breeding pigeon production

    In order to detect sick pigeons early and prevent the spread of the disease, breeders must carefully observe the flock three times a day, morning, noon and evening. The following introduction of the three see nine check pigeon disease identification method, simple and easy to do, for reference. Three look at the mental state: healthy pigeons show lively, excited

    2020-11-08 breeding pigeons production identification disease method for early
  • Six main points of raising pigeons in autumn

    Six main points of raising pigeons in autumn

    The basic metabolism and energy consumption of pigeon body in summer were significantly higher than that in autumn, and more sweating led to the loss of mineral and other nutrient elements in pigeon body, and the digestive juice secreted by pigeon body decreased with the increase of sweat. Pigeon appetite will decline

    2020-11-08 Autumn raising pigeons six key points strong autumn fat summer pigeon body
  • The method of raising pigeons: the most important skill of raising pigeons is the choice of young pigeons.

    The method of raising pigeons: the most important skill of raising pigeons is the choice of young pigeons.

    To raise pigeons, the most important thing for us is the choice of young pigeons, otherwise the raised pigeons are easy to get sick, or there are other problems, then for young pigeons, how do we choose? If you keep it regardless of the pros and cons, it will not only waste energy and material resources, but also guide

    2019-01-17 Raising pigeons methods skills and most importantly young pigeons choose
  • Differentiation of Pigeon Disease by "three looks and Nine checks"

    Differentiation of Pigeon Disease by

    In order to detect sick pigeons early and prevent the spread of the epidemic, breeders must carefully observe the flocks of pigeons in the morning, middle and evening every day. The method of "three looks and nine checks" introduced below to distinguish pigeon disease is simple and easy for reference. Three look: a look at the mental state: the healthy pigeon is lively, excited and sensitive; the sick pigeon is lethargic, lazy and slow to respond. Second, look at the diet: healthy pigeons eat and drink normally; sick pigeons eat less or waste food, do not think about drinking or binge drinking, and do not feed squab. Three look at the color and shape of feces: the feces of healthy pigeons are gray, yellowish brown or grayish black.

  • What is the best breed of meat pigeons?

    What is the best breed of meat pigeons?

    There are many kinds of meat pigeons in China, and according to incomplete statistics, the number of meat pigeons has reached more than 20 species, which are widely distributed in large and small farms in China, and have their own characteristics. With the continuous heating up of the meat pigeon market and the low threshold of raising pigeons, many

    2020-11-27 Breeding meat pigeon what breed the best in our country
  • How to choose young pigeons

    How to choose young pigeons

    The rise and fall of a pigeon house depends to a large extent on the choice of young pigeons from a breeding point of view. For the young pigeons, should be selected. If it is kept regardless of the pros and cons, it will not only waste energy and material resources, but also lead to a decline in the performance of the whole shed. On the contrary, the careful selection of high-quality young pigeons is very beneficial to breeding competition. Therefore, pigeon owners must pay attention to the choice of young pigeons. How to choose young pigeons? first, pedigree is the foundation. According to the practice of racing, the young pigeons with good pedigree and outstanding performance in the shed were selected as the next generation of breeding pigeons. Hybrid pigeons can be the most outstanding in choosing and retaining genetics.

  • What are the breeds of meat pigeons?

    What are the breeds of meat pigeons?

    What are the breeds of meat pigeons?

  • Young pigeons should be kept carefully.

    Young pigeons should be kept carefully.

    Young pigeons should be kept carefully.

  • Symptoms of trichomoniasis in pigeons

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis in pigeons

    Trichomonas is one of the common diseases of pigeons, it mainly harms the health of young pigeons, and the mortality rate is very high. What is the symptom of such a harmful disease? How to prevent it? Let's take a look at it: what is Trichomonas pigeon Trichomonas is vivid.

    2020-11-08 Pigeons Trichomonas sick symptoms yes pigeons.
  • Culture and Management techniques of White feather King Pigeon

    Culture and Management techniques of White feather King Pigeon

    Culture and Management techniques of White feather King Pigeon

  • Diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease

    Diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease

    The purpose of pigeon disease diagnosis is to recognize the disease as soon as possible so as to take timely and effective prevention and treatment measures. Diagnosis is the forerunner of prevention and control work, only timely and correct diagnosis, prevention and treatment work can be targeted and achieve remarkable results. Otherwise, it will often act blindly, delay the opportunity and bring great economic losses to the pigeon industry. According to the occurrence and development of pigeon disease and the physiological characteristics of birds, the clinical diagnosis of pigeon disease includes three aspects: investigation of epidemic characteristics, observation of pigeon flock and individual symptoms and pathological anatomy. I. popular characteristics and individual

  • Pigeon worker type paramitoid virus

    Pigeon worker type paramitoid virus

    Raising pigeons is the same as raising other poultry, raising a wide range of areas, the number of more, the epidemic is bound to increase. This disease is a highly contagious and septic infectious disease caused by pigeon type I parasite virus discovered in recent years. Commonly known as pigeon Newcastle disease, some are also called pigeon plague, sometimes ferocious in pigeons, sometimes sporadic. Suckling pigeons are likely to die in large numbers when they are infected with this disease, and young pigeons and their parents will also die. The incubation period of the disease is 1-10 days, usually 1-5 days. The appearance is completely normal before the onset of the disease.

  • High-yield Culture techniques of White-feathered King Pigeon

    High-yield Culture techniques of White-feathered King Pigeon

    High-yield Culture techniques of White-feathered King Pigeon
